The Pit Is In The Park
My friend and I are traveling together, both in the front seats of our vehicle -
I see a light which at first I take to be my right headlight, but soon realize
my lamps are not even on. It is daytime, and yet I can see this light
brightly reflecting off the concrete as we move down the street.
I turn my head - in the direction instinct, or intervention tells me
the light must be coming from - left and upwards towards the area
just above the far left front of the hood of our vehicle.
At first it looks as if a hole is in the sky. Upon closer inspection and
focus, I can see it is an enormous pearl of the most exquisite beauty, without
a hint of imperfection upon its surface, from which light shines beyond compare.
It moves with us, silently, just above the vehicle.
I look upon it in total amazement, and instinctually, for verification,
look to my dearest friend *Maggie*, sitting upright in the passenger seat.
She has a look of peace and contentment upon her face as if she
already knows what I see and she too bares witness to it.
Time seems to freeze.
I was made to fall into a pit of a size and depth which defies
description. As I fall I see the walls of this pit are of a crystalline
structure, and upon it moves living fires in the forms of lights. This
living fire is all the movement of our world - all that breathes, bleeds and dreams.
In this crystal fire, I see a park and a park bench. As I fall, the vision of
the park and the crystal wall of living fire, alternate faster and faster
like frames on a roll of tape spinning thru a projector,
until the two become indistinguishable.
In the sky above the park, I see a bird flying and it sings in the silence of symbol -
"Fear makes of man, that which is vicious and cruel,
and its power has the capacity to make him abandon that
which is sacred, righteous and true. It is a subtle and
immense blind spot of his nature."
The park bench represents the "waiting"
which is brought about from our fear -
"Waiting" is giving up.
A prophet once said - "It is now time
for us to become creatively maladjusted".
He was shot down not long after.
It is our creativeness which is greater than that
which exploits us, for these gifts it has not within itself.
Therefore it exploits our gifts for its own benefit,
and binds us to this endeavor by having us create that which makes us hate
ourselves - The hypocrisy in our everyday works and practices.
It is by this we are bound into confusion.
It is by this that no man is without guilt.
In the story of Noah,
The great one shuts the door to the ark,
but does not himself open it when the waters subside.
The dove and raven act as mediators.
It is only until they find a safe place to perch
that it can be indicated when the conditions
are right. The dove with the branch in its mouth
serves as a testament that it is only until peace
is made with *them*, that we can then find
a home of peace for ourselves.
Their salvation is our salvation.
Jesus and the Holy Spirit which fell upon him like a Dove.
The Donkey which carried Jesus amongst the people.
The Dove's held in cages for market, which Jesus
objects to in his father's house.
These powerful references to the animals are not mere
metaphor - This cannot be emphasized enough.
For the best of this world is in the animals, for their
innocence is of a child's. We learn from the very different,
the very different learn from us.
This is what calls for the good shepherd, and not the hireling.
For the hireling is not emotionally invested, for he claims they are
not his children. And thus his responsibility too is off on the weekends.
The weekend is the park.
It is the weekend which takes form of the park.
It divides man from nature, and makes him oblivious to the
miracles within and his responsibilities to it.
It is this park, which seperates life from work. Play from toil.
It creates a distance between us and that which is sacred.
Resign from this false obligation and dichotomy. RESIGN!
For by this lie, is the thorn in the lion's paw.
It is with this, that evil maims our good works.
Life, love and work in our world must become One.
And let there be no exception,
to the righteousness afforded to us by the miracle of the womb.
For even the child can identify hypocrisy when he bares witness to it,
and it is our fear and submission passed on to our offspring,
for much too long now, that makes hirelings of our children.
The hirelings, and the evil which makes use of them,
are whom which kill all our fathers.
For in this time,
that which God nurtures,
man seeks to destroy.
This green womb we find ourselves upon every morning,
is a type of teaching construct of the highest order.
The divine who tends this garden,
is the one with the true perspective -
but even with this he must on occasion confront
pestilence, and find solution to what
he may - And for that which he cannot,
he must engage those within his garden -
so as to bring about their own solution.